So, This IS my Halloween gem!
“Children” is in the Psychological/Horror/Thriller genre. It’s my biggest seller, by far. I’ve already spent a lot of time talking about this, and I’d like to take the opportunity to extend my thanks to all those who have bought it. I have a set of positive reviews/ratings from the UK, Germany and the USA, and I’m incredibly grateful for all these. Honestly, the response has been fantastic.
However, I have one more seasonal addition…
It’s a story I’ve set in the days leading up to Halloween, and it’s – undoubtedly – one of the favourite books I’ve written. It’s pretty much undiscovered if I’m honest, which has surprised me a little. Nevertheless, Shelly Clover in the Theatre Mind Macabre is a proper sequel. It’s a colourful, eclectic, and above all, a bona fide extravaganza… and by far my biggest in terms of wordage AND physical size. And I’m going to be honest again, here… I kicked my own ass writing it.
There’s common parlance in the creative industry that for many bands and authors, their sophomore albums and novels are somehow lacking… tricky to write, and don’t always match the original. In the same way, a movie sequel, doesn’t always hit the majestical heights of the first. We’ve all been there.
So, for me, I went utterly all-out to address this…
I was determined to write a worthy follow-up… which, was at least as good, and hopefully, better than the original. I didn’t get the time to write it fully until 2021, but many an idea was already percolating around my head in the interim, waiting to take full form. From 2016 onwards, I let this novel craft itself, until I was finally (and painstakingly) satisfied with the outcome. It is dystopian dark fantasy. 100%.
It’s a bit special to me. It includes one of my favourite characters that I adore writing, and I can’t wait to develop them futher. Surprisingly – and as much as I love her – it ain’t Shelly.
WINK, and love,