Short story… featured in Life in Bromley Magazine

Lauretta, and team Bromley, very kindly featured me as a local author several months ago, and have included one of my short stories in the August edition of this excellent magazine. Genuinely, this is a classy, free magazine, that keeps you up-to-speed on all things Brommers. It can be read online (click on link to read).


Bromley is London’s leafiest borough, and I really enjoy living here. I’m a country boy through-and-through, and so the abundance of countless green spaces very much recharge me, if I need a bit of inspiration. Nature is pretty important to a lot of folk, and I’m no exception. If I encounter a plot conundrum, I’ll stroll around some ye-olde architecture on Victorian/Georgian streets, or enter a beautiful forest – and more often than not – this sets in motion the solution. Can’t quite explain it, but it does.

Bromley’s been a great hub of creativity for me. If authors have “a place”, then this is mine. In the town centre, there’s a blue plaque dedicated to the memory of H. G. Wells who was born and raised here. Undoubtedly, he drew inspiration from living here, and I do too. Green = calmer, more sedate (as far as I’m concerned), and when I’m relaxed, story lines, characters… even entire worlds appear, without hindrance.

I’m very grateful to live here.

(Of course, the pubs are pretty good, too (Especially, the Red Lion) 😉


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